Thursday, December 25, 2008


Well I had a good birthday I guess but Christmas was EXCELLENT!!!!!!

I had NO idea I was getting an Ashford spinning wheel...Whhoooottt!!!

This is my second attempt at a spin. The first one was frustrating and VERY chunky.
I think I have the hang of it now....I'm more even on the tension and I would like to go for a thinner thread because when I ply it together with the next spin I'd like a worsted weight.

This is the beautiful wheel. Un-varnished but I don't care. I can do it myself. If I ever feel like it.

Classic Castle Wheel

And of course the wool roving that came along in another package. It only said on a slip of paper inside the bag Light Gray Corriedale wool - 1lb. 
CORRIEDALE The Corriedale is the result of selected breeding using Lincoln and English Leicester rams on Merino ewes. This breed is the oldest of the crossbred wool breeds. It was developed in New Zealand and was first registered in 1868

I hope my attempts at spinning just keep getting better. I guess it's a good thing I never bought that spindle for myself last week!

1 comment:

Maja said...

How awesome! The wool looks lovely. Merry christmas :)