Wednesday, January 7, 2009

It's Time....

Yup...Gunna soon shut the old blog down after all these years.

I have school comming up February 9th....
I have been trying to spin on my new Ashford but I am so busy it's hard to find time for something so simple and relaxing. I dunno. Maybe my life will change around soon and I can bring this back. I'll leave it up but I won't be writing for sometime I don't think.

I also have Sweden comming in a few months...or I should say me going to Sweden....

Det skulle vara roligt! Ska träffa med mina vänner i göteborg och....ska inte säga om allt.....Men...Liseberg här kommer jag!!!!!!!! Ska besöker Kalle, Tobbe ,Jocke och Tove, Terese och Anna

The rest is my secret:)


Maja said...

Aw. Well good luck with everything!

Raghav said...

ah well, im late then.
good luck.