A knitting problem that is. I find myself quite addicted. Can you believe I woke at 4.30am dreaming of what to do with my newly dyed sock yarn? I was dreaming of knitting, dreaming of a design.
I was going to play with this sock design and actually make it. Instead I found something else...
Ailbe from Knitty 2009
even though I know I have enough projects on the needles, my thoughts were this..."Well I am almost done with one of my sweaters, so it won't hurt to start another project because then I'll still have the same amount of projects going."
Am I delusional or what?
Well I started Ailbe anyways because I did cast on for socks, but didn't feel like making them, so I peeked through my Ravelry queue and seen these mittens and thought...yeah I can do this instead.
I'm going to try and make a goal for myself.
The goal is this:
1: I can have no more than 5 projects at once. (I am at 5 right now.)
2: When a project is almost done, I can cast on for a new (6th) project, but the project being almost finished must be pretty close to being done, as in within a day or two.
3: (probably a stupid part of my goal) Pick a project that is in my Ravelry queue only. (I did put them there for a reason, time to get to it and make them!) There might be a problem with this because if I don't have enough yarn currently in my stash, then I will have to buy more. This will interfere with #4
4: Try not to buy anymore yarn, use as much as I can in my yarn stash (I know this is a joke, but I had to write it because I have to try)
Maybe I'm being foolish.
Have you ever tried to set stupid knitting goals for yourself as I have done above?
Yes, I have some of your knitting goals and yes I, too ,get up at 5 am and lay in bed thinking about that first cup of joe and knitting and that gets me up.
What a passion we have! Love it
and i thought i was the only one :)
I make those kinds of resolutions frequently - they are a great idea! The very best of luck with following yours :D
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