I read Spilly Jane Knits all the time.....This particular post she had finished a pair of Clerkenwell socks, and not only are they beautiful, but she links to the The Clerkenwell Kid who is located in, of course, Clerkenwell London. Turns out Spilly Jane and I will both be in London in March.
I was fascinated to read this because who knew the world was really as small as it is. We more than likely won't be there the same week, and the chances of 'running into' her is near to impossible, but all the same, it's nice to know another knitter who I admire will be running the streets of my good friends, looking for wool I'm sure, such as I too will be doing.
If you get the chance, go stop by her blog and have a peek, and also check out the Clerkenwell Kid's website too. It's fascinating.
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