The reason being that a friend of mine in Sweden had asked for me to knit him a winter hat, 2 winters ago, and me being lazy, I hadn't done it at all. So that being said, after the latest message from him Friday night, I hauled myself upstairs to go through my stash to find the perfect yarn.
I grabbed a pattern from one of my books and cast on, then set the pattern aside when I started the ribbing because I realized that I wanted to make my own design. I started with cables and just kept going and realized I liked what I was seeing. The problem is, I didn't exactly write down what I was doing but it's easy enough that I don't think it matters. I can look and see what I am doing, especially as I am still knitting it.
So now the decision has to be made whether or not I share it with everyone as a free pattern, or keep it as a one and only for my good friend Leo....I'm leaving the decision up to him. But for now I'll leave you with a glimpse of Galici.

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