Sunday, May 6, 2012

MS&W Festival

I wasn't supposed to be going to the Maryland Sheep & Wool festival this year (even though I was going to Maryland anyways) But somehow I ended up there! No complaints from me.

I had a great time with two of the greatest people I know and I came home with a bag of 7.5 lbs of Romney fleece. I never spun Romney before but I thought I would give it a go.
I did wash some of it already and started to spin up some singles, but the rest is going to the mill. It's a lot to wash and hand card and to be honest, I truly love the way the mill has it all ready in a 'rope' for me to spin.

This is what I had spun up so far, not quite a bobbin full. 
My plan of action for the rest of the wool?  

This being first on the list!

Oh yes, I am going to make myself some sweaters & cardigans. I am putting myself on a sweater project for the year. I have been wanting to do this for some time, but never have I gotten around to it. I read another blog, Knit/Wit, by a fellow Pennsylvanian and she did it last year and this year, and now I am getting my butt in gear to do it myself.

I just needed some motivation!!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Yay! Sheep to sweater is such a fun project! I loved my Romney last year -- hope you have a similarly great experience with your fleece.